The Score, explained

How do we calculate the visible scores? What methodological approach did we choose and why?

In order to uncover the environmental impacts of foods the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was chosen. By modelling emissions and resource use throughout a product’s life cycle, LCA provides a comprehensive view of impact categories across categories such as climate change, water use and eutrophication.

In need of publicy-accessible data we chose the French Agribalyse database to serve as our data source. Although this choice does not allow the data to be country-specific, it is the most extensive database for food products available. As part of the project a dynamic backend, the Food Impact Toolkit, which allows other, more counry-specific data to be imported and considered, was developed and can be used for future improvments. For more info please follow the link at the bottom of this page.

Our chosen method is mostly compliant with the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) approach. Adaptations with the aim of improving the assessment of biodiversity were made. For more info please follow the link at the bottom of this page.

What characterizes Impacts of Food

What characterizes Impacts of FoodWhat characterizes Impacts of Food

Comprehensive Environmental Assessment

Using Life-Cycle-Assessment, Impacts of Food calculates the environmental impacts of around 2.700 food items, empowering consumers to make decisions that are informed and within planetary boundaries.

Uncovering the Impacts on Biodiversity

As pioneers in the field, Impacts of Food has used an innovative method to calculate the impacts on biodiversity, based on an interdisciplinary strategy, including field testing and the use of solid data sets to ensure the accuracy and reliability of our calculations.

Simplified Communication

The user-friendly presentation of the score allows consumers to effortlessly process the information provided, enabling them to make well-informed choices and develop dietary patterns within planetary boundaries.

Determining the environmental footprint of food products

Select a score and learn more.

Very Light – it's a good choice!

When the Impact Score of the product is Very Light, this means that the product has a very low environmental impact.

Light – it's a good choice!

When the Impact Score of the product is Light, this means that the product has a low environmental impact.

Moderate – consume consciously.

When the Impact Score of the product is moderate, this means that the product has a moderate overall impact on the environment.

Heavy – try to consume less.

When the Impact Score of the product is Heavy, this means that the product has a high overall impact on the environment.

Very Heavy – try to avoid.

When the Impact Score of the product is Very Heavy, this means that the product has a very high impact on the environment.

Exemplary products with a very low impact.

Exemplary products with a low impact.

Exemplary products with a moderate impact.

Exemplary products with a high impact.

Exemplary products with a very high impact.

Impact Categories explained


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Pollution of Soil & Water

Show More

Water Consumption

Show More

Biological Diversity

Show More

Impacts to consider explained

The following impacts play an additional important role when it comes to making sustainable food choices.

Food waste

Food waste

Food waste

Food waste

Food waste

Food waste






Food Safety

Food Safety

Food Safety

Food Safety

Food Safety

Food Safety

Organic Production

Organic Production

Organic Production

Organic Production

Organic Production

Want more facts of our methodological approach?

A more detailed description can be found in the Data and Usage Guidelines.

Caution: This is a prototype that only lists a selection of products. Some features are not fully developed (e.g. nutrional values, methodological assumptions, data availability). For further information please get in touch!